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The Point

The Point

The Point

(Graphic by Eva Mayrose)

Fast Fiction

The problem with “BookTok”
Ella Sherry, News/Online Editor March 14, 2023

If you’re a reader who also has social media, whenever you open TikTok or Instagram you’re probably bombarded with videos about the same books you heard about months ago: “A Court of Thorns and Roses”...

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A Letter From the Editors

Amber Chen and Lucia Ruiz, Editors-in-Chief March 14, 2023

Humans have generations upon generations of experience with writing. For centuries, writing has been a way to share ideas, communicate emotions and connect with others. But in 2023, these powers are being...

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Queerbaiting is Problematic for Everyone

Sophie Stoddart, Reporter March 14, 2023

Today, queerbaiting is considered a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at or imply a queer relationship or identity, but do not depict or confirm it. The meaning of...

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(Graphic by Aidan Shen)

Faking Disabilities for Clout

Dissecting internet influencer morality
Aidan Shen, Reporter March 14, 2023

Attention is something that most young teens crave and some don’t have an original idea good enough to get it. So, they resort to more immature options that come with fleeting fame, and not so fleeting...

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(Graphic by Olivia Kao)

Nepo-Babies: The future of Hollywood

Olivia Kao, Reporter March 14, 2023

Nepotism babies: children who were, more or less, born into the spotlight. A hot topic of debate in today’s generation is whether or not nepo-babies deserve their fame.  Many celebrities have spoken...

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(Graphic by Eva Mayrose)

What The Western World Gets Wrong About Feminism

Ella Sherry, News/Online Editor February 8, 2023

Feminism has a lengthy and complicated history in the United States, beginning in 1848 with the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. It has come a long way since the 1800s: women have achieved the right...

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(Graphic by Sierra Namvari)

Sadie Hawkins Tradition Broken: Bring it Back

Sierra Namvari, Photography Editor February 8, 2023

Every now and then at PVHS, the winter formal is a “Girls ask Guys” event theme.  Although it is widely assumed that the Sadies tradition happens every four years, it is actually less of a scheduled...

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A Letter From the Editors

Amber Chen and Lucia Ruiz, Editors-in-Chief February 8, 2023

College application preparation feels like it starts at birth. It’s very overwhelming and feels like you need to do everything and anything just to stick it into your application for one single admissions...

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(Graphic by Eva Mayrose)

Pulling Sticks: A Satire On Group Projects

Luka Ardon, Centerspread Editor February 8, 2023

I feel my cheeks flushing red with nervousness as my teacher, Mrs. Pine pulls out sticks to assign us groups for the final project.  Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she pulls out a stick...

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(Graphic by Quinn Kearns)

Historic Sites That Won’t Be Here For Much Longer

Quinn Kearns, Social Media Editor February 8, 2023

Many opportunities, like traveling in ruins, have been revoked due to disrespectful acts of vandalism from tourists.  Locations in both Syria and Croatia have been damaged and can no longer be appreciated...

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(Graphic by Aidan Shen)

The Dangers of Immoral Influencers

Not everyone deserves a platform
Aidan Shen, Reporter February 8, 2023

Social media has long since had a hold over Gen Z as their primary source of timely news, ideals, and even personal values to incorporate into their lives.  Furthermore, I have also seen multiple examples...

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Pint-Sized Stories: The Christmas Party

Chloe Choi and Luka Ardon, Centerspread Editors December 16, 2022

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