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The Point

The Point

The Point

Power Outages

Abbey Fisler, Staff Writer February 1, 2012

Lately, Palos Verdes residents have had their fair share of candlelit dinners. It sounds romantic, right? Well, it’s not for the Seakings who haven’t had power for three days and are trying to do...

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Shane McCusker: A Boy With a Heart of Gold

Avery Durko, Staff Writer February 1, 2012

Shane Shimatsu McCusker was born on September 9, 2010 at 6:11 p.m.  He appeared to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. The first thing doctors monitor when a baby is first born is their...

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Online vs. In-Store Shopping

Nicole Wagner, Staff Writer December 29, 2011

We all know the age-old tradition of holiday shopping- taking a trip to the mall, browsing around countless different stores in an effort to find your friends and family members a holiday gift, and,...

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Have We Sold-Out Our Veterans?

Sarah Miller, Staff Writer November 29, 2011

Veterans Day used to be when Americans took time out of their year to appreciate the sacrifices and hardships of veterans of all of the United States’ wars. However, that same patriotism is met with...

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