The Three Musketeers: Futures in Water Polo

(Photo courtesy of Jeff Kearns)

Bowen Moravek – University of Toronto

Q: How did you first get into playing water polo?

A: “I grew up in Canada playing hockey, so I was never really an aquatic person. I came down to LA maybe nine years ago, where I started to swim for about three to four years before my coach told me I had outturned feet. He told me that was good for water polo, so I started playing water polo in seventh grade.” 

Q: What do you think has played a big part in your success?

A: “I started to grow [taller] as a sophomore, and that was kind of a turning point for me because coaches started to recognize me as a taller guy. That’s when I started to get a little more attention, and when coaches started to pick me out of the group and push me towards a future in water polo.”

Kieran Kearns – MIT

Q: What pushed you to make the decision to play at a collegiate level?

A: “When you love a sport I guess you just want to keep playing it as long as you can. For me, it was always the goal to continue my water polo career, while simultaneously getting a good education.”

Q: What are you most looking forward to within the program?

A: “I’m excited to play on a new team and get to know new people. It’s kind of reassuring to know that there are other people at MIT who share a lot of similar interests with me. The team culture is great from what I’ve seen and I can’t wait to join it.”

Aidan Olson – California Baptist University

Q: Why did you choose California Baptist University?

A: “CBU is a school in Riverside that gave me my first ever offer to play water polo a year ago. It was exciting to get recognized for my athletic achievements and overall CBU was a great fit for me.”

Q: What made you decide to play water polo in college?

A: “I decided to play water polo because I’ve been playing it all my life and I have been successful in my career so far. The relationships I’ve made throughout my career have made the sport so much more important to me and have pushed me to stick with it.”