Taking the Plunge at UPenn

Senior Austin Mone Commits to the University of Pennsylvania for Diving

Photo by Ayla Torres

The Point: When did you first start diving?

Austin: I was probably around seven or eight years old. I had just moved to Illinois from New York and my mom wanted to put me into a sport.

She said I was always rolling around and climbing up to high places around the house, so she decided to let me try diving lessons at Northwestern. I really liked it and I’ve been doing it ever since then.


The Point: When did you find out about the offer? Did you accept immediately or did it take a lot of deciding?

Austin: I think I first got the offer in either May or June of 2020. I filled out the recruitment questionnaire for UPenn on January 3, 2020 and he emailed me back like three hours later asking to set up a time to talk. The coach and I started talking for a few months and after a while of getting to know each other, the school, and the diving team, he made me an offer.

I accepted pretty much immediately since UPenn is an amazing school and I can really see myself loving it there.


The Point: What is your biggest accomplishment in diving (awards, tricks, competitions, etc.)?

Austin: I haven’t been able to compete too much to be honest, I usually get injured before competitions. However, the last national meet I was in, I placed fifth. I’ve done a lot of really high level dives that 99% of divers can’t do and never even try. Personally, I’d consider those dives a bigger accomplishment.


The Point: What excites you most about your commitment to UPenn?

Austin: Honestly, I’m really excited about every aspect. I don’t have to worry about getting rejected from a school, and I don’t have to write too many essays. I’m also super super excited to attend the school because I think I’ll have a lot of fun. I’ll also get a first class education and gain the connections I’ll need to make me successful in life.


The Point: Are there any coaches, family, or friends that you’d like to thank for your success and help along the way?

Austin: I’d like to thank my parents for giving me the opportunities I’ve needed to help me succeed and for always believing in me. Since I was a little kid they’ve always told me that I had a lot of potential for greatness, and now that I’m older I’m finally starting to see the product of all my hard work and effort.

I’d also like to thank my coaches. Obviously without them I would never have become the diver I am today. They’re the ones who pushed me to improve even when I was afraid, and I couldn’t be where I am without them.

I’d also like to thank my counselor Ms. McHugh, she has helped me a lot throughout high school and has been an amazing person to have on my team for the past four years.