Teachers know best…

Graduating Sea Kings can still learn some life lessons from their teachers

“Leave the world a better place than you found it. That’s your job” – Ms. Varela

 “Getting to know your professors and visiting during office hours is critical . . . they will be writing your letters of recommendation for graduate school” – Ms. Fleming

“If you are going to college, then you should get involved with as many activities as possible . . . that is how you really get a feel for the campus” – Mrs. Jarrin

“Don’t be afraid to take risks. Leap, and the net will appear” – Mr. Peterman

“Take chances, make mistakes, but always get back up and recover beyond”- Mr. Rho

“I would say students should relax and reward themselves for working so hard for so many years”- Mrs. Kim

“Good luck! Enjoy life and don’t worry about the trivial things. Congrats on an amazing PV High experience” – Mr. Harley

“I want [seniors] to take healthy risks and to be honest and caring in the way that they relate to themselves and to other people” – Ms. Nemeth

“Find a balance between planning your future and quality of what you’re doing in the moment”- Mr. Warren