Why My Vote Matters

In a rapidly evolving world and country, governments are playing a larger and larger role in the development of the future. Government is to regulate technology, as it advances and populations rise; the risk of disunity and pandamonium is at an all time high. As the United States is arguably the most influential country in the world, it can be inferred that the U.S government is important in determining the course of the world’s direction. The voices of the people are influential in the shape of the government and these voices to change the government are only heard through voting.

To ensure that the right politicians are making rational decisions, the masses must cast their vote. Although each person only casts a single vote, that single vote still has power. The complacency of the American voters has caused politicians to be elected who may not be the best choices for our country.

If people band together to voice a single issue, they can be heard. It can be especially discouraging watching the news and feeling deflated when the polls predict your least favorite candidate to win. But this doesn’t mean that person will win. The news has been wrong many times about the polls and other topics.

Have you noticed their accuracy in the weather?

The same principle applies: sometimes when rain is predicted, the sun often shines. Americans must feel powerful rather than complacent or apathetic; they must feel hope instead of hopelessness. There is a 100% chance that your voice will not be heard if you don’t go to the polls. However, there is a chance if you do vote that your opinions will matter. Elections are won and lost because people did not vote.