The Point

The Point

The Point

The Dangerous Games

The Cinnamon Challenge. The Ice and Salt Challenge. The Choking Game. Water Binging. The Milk Challenge.

Do these titles sound familiar?  Kids around the world have found new and seemingly-innocent ways to entertain themselves, but these games are not all fun.  Many may even pose incredible health risks.  Although drugs and alcohol are still a prevalent problem in high schools, these games have proven themselves to be a greater issue.

Young minds are constantly looking for a new thrill, and kids assume that these seemingly harmless games are a safe alternative to the bad images of drug use and alcohol that have been so heavily engraved in their minds.  This has led these games to become more socially accepted than illegal substance abuse, even though they can be equally as dangerous.

A teenager would never post a photo of themselves smoking on the internet because they are aware of the consequences, and fear what their peers and mentors would think.  However, because these games have become so widely accepted, many adolescents have posted photos, and even videos, of themselves taking part in many of these games.

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These games are especially dangerous because participants are not aware of the consequences.  Chubby Bunny, a game that even has a playful name, has led many teenagers to their deaths due to choking because of marshmallows clogging their airways.  The cinnamon challenge, which is the most widespread, can cause pneumonia and choking.

Many organizations, television shows, and motivational speakers make it their goal to show teenagers the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  However, since these games are relatively new, there is no advocacy for the dangers they pose.  Without the information, teenagers will continue to take part in them, helping them to spread.  This unchecked growth, and lack of knowledge, causes them to be even more dangerous and threatening than drugs or alcohol.