“The Boy and the Heron” is the most recent Studio Ghibli movie that will be released in the U.S. on Dec. 8, 2023.
In 2013 the director of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki, stated he would be entering retirement when he thought he was too old for the job.
The new movie was a welcome surprise to many Studio Ghibli fans.
“Miyazaki coming out of retirement is something that the community met with lots of excitement and I was definitely part of the crowd,” junior Penelope Kimberling said.
The studio was founded in 1985 and has produced many movies that resonate with a wide audience.
“My parents would put them on for me and my brother and we’d always watch them,” senior Natalie Wang said.
“Sometimes, we would drive up to San Francisco to visit my cousins and since it was about a seven hour drive we would watch all the movies on the way there.”
For many, Studio Ghibli movies also had a larger connection to communities of Asian American descent.
“Studio Ghibli movies were a really central part of my childhood as an Asian American,” Kimberling said.
“From watching snippets in restaurants to watching them in Cantonese with my family, the films are something I hold super close to my heart.”
One of the things viewers appreciate about the films is the distinctive art style.
“[T]he animation style is so unique, and [Miyazaki’s] world building and storytelling is really good,” Wang said.
Fans from all over the world are anticipating the release of “The Boy and the Heron,” excited for the latest addition to Studio Ghibli’s series of films.
“I think Miyazaki’s commitment and love for the films is unparalleled across the film industry and a core part of why the films are as impactful as they are,” Kimberling said.
“Miyazaki pours his heart into these movies and it really does show; every single one is a beautiful masterpiece across music and the visuals.”