Instagram Insanity:

Anonymous Accounts Enter Sea King’s Feeds


(Graphic by Lucia Ruiz)

The anonymous Instagram account craze hit PVHS in mid-November when PVHS Pro Parkers (@pvhsproparkers) posted for the first time. Since then, over 20 more accounts have been made, including Sleepy Sea Kings                     (@pvhssleepers).

PVHS Sleepers accepts anonymous submissions of people caught snoozing on campus and posts them with a clever caption. 

“I started this account because I like the feeling of being anonymous, even though a lot of people know who I am,” PVHS Sleeper’s account owner said. “I keep running this account because I like to make people laugh.” 

The account owner’s goal was achieved. Many people enjoy seeing their friends being posted or submitting pictures of their peers.

“Seeing myself asleep on my own Instagram feed was embarrassing at first, but it was funny,” junior Hayleigh Liu said.

However, not all of the accounts are as good-natured as PVHS Sleepers. One, which will not be named, spreads hurtful rumors that others may send in behind the anonymity of a screen. This is the textbook definition of cyberbullying and is “unacceptable” according to associate prinicpal Dr. Keely Hardage.

“When people are bullying or harassing, that’s when it really crosses the line and becomes disruptive to students. I think that some are never intended to be that way. I encourage everyone to be really careful with anything that’s anonymous. It can get out of hand quickly.”

As of now, administrators do not have the means to find who is behind the couple of harmful accounts.

“We’ve reported any of the negative ones to Instagram that we know about,” Hardage said. “Obviously if there’s anything of concern, we encourage students to bring it to our attention.”

This harmful Instagram account was taken down within a couple of days. Since students are on Instagram more frequently than administrators, there is more that they can do.

“I encourage you guys as students to report [content with cyberbullying] to Instagram when you see it,” Hardage said. 

“You are probably going to see it before we will so if you see something that’s negative or harmful, report it to Instagram. See if you guys can get it down or [direct message] them and say ‘Hey, this isn’t cool’ or bring it to our attention.”

It is clear that most Sea Kings are aware of the fact that these accounts are damaging. 

“[Nameless Instagram account] is just a platform for cyberbullying and spreading rumors which isn’t funny,” PVHS Sleepers owner said. 

However, it is important to remember that these accounts are the minority. Most of the accounts mean well and are a fun way to connect with the school. 

PVHS Sleepers owner says, “Hearing people talking about it in my classes is my favorite part of running this account.”