The Point

The Point

The Point

The Rise of Sephora Temper Tantrums

(Graphic by Quinn Kearns)

From playing with Barbies to playing with beauty, these tweens are making a statement at local Sephoras and makeup stores across the country. 

Children under 13 have turned these locations into a playground by destroying testers like they are toys. Recently, employees of stores have hopped onto social media platforms to express their displeasure with the havoc introduced to their daily shift. 

“We have had to implement extra surveillance because of shoplifting and destruction. Added up, it costs us thousands of dollars, so we might have to take away testers for certain brands.” Angela, an employee at Del Amo’s Sephora said. 

Now, a job that used to be sell makeup has become a daycare made of nightmares as many employees have to monitor these children to ensure they aren’t shoplifting. In some locations, Sephoras have moved the brand-name common attractions like Drunk Elephant, Summer Fridays, and Sol de Janiero to behind the checkout counter, far from the reach of these young kids.

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As younger audiences have adopted social media platforms, like TikTok, they have also adopted more mature behaviors. 

While it is harmless for children to play with makeup, the real problem is the reportedly rude shopping habits displayed by these skincare gremlins. 

However, with proper manners and parental supervision, the makeup shopping experience should return to normal.

About the Contributor
Quinn Kearns, Design Editor