Working Towards Knowledge and Independence

What sparked senior Emmy Rener to apply for Congressmen Ted Lieu’s Youth Advisory Council was her passion for politics and policymaking. 

“I have always had an appreciation for government and politicians, but I have a serious appreciation for Congressmen Lieu and his ability to converse with young voters,” Rener said. 

By meeting with students once a month in Los Angeles, Rener has had the opportunity to not only do her own research, but also gain different perspectives from her peers.

“[I’m] sitting in these meetings surrounded by some of the most educated people in this country, and they are all fifteen, sixteen, seventeen years old. Looking to the future and what needs to be done, I think the answer lies within our youth,” said Rener. 

A big part of the Youth Advisory Council is producing independent research and connecting it to Congressmen Lieu’s position. 

“We had a meeting on climate change and our homework was to research different bills that were proposed to the House and discuss whether or not Congressmen Lieu should or should not support the bill and why,” said Rener.  

“It’s a lot of researching your own positions and educating yourself on what’s being introduced currently, and seeing if the Congressmen’s position would line with those bills.”

This past summer junior Andre Lendi was offered an internship for Sony Studios in Culver City. He spent three weeks shadowing directors and seeing what it takes to produce a movie. 

“I had to drive the stage crew around in a golf cart and [I] worked in the studio’s operation branch, along with walking through the sets with the directors to point out possible shots for the camera,” said Lendi. 

By working Mondays through Fridays for four hours a day, Lendi realized his internship had a challenge but overcame it with his passion in mind.

“Getting there every morning was tough. It was about an hour away from my house. But I believe it was worth it. I learned so many specifics about film and the behind scene preparations, such as meetings and planning scenes,” Lendi said.

 “Film is for sure something I would pursue as a career, and this opportunity gave me so much insight as to what it takes to be a producer.”

While some students apply for internships, others prefer to work behind the counter. Junior Jasper Belliveau began his first job at Poke Rainbow located in Redondo Beach. 

“My responsibilities on the job are to make poke bowls, cut the fish and vegetables, and wash the dishes in the back kitchen,” said Belliveau. 

“This job has taught me to be wise with my money and to work consistently for what you want in life.”