5 Casual Netflix Show Reviews

       Running out of shows to watch on Netflix, Sea Kings? Here is a short list of Netflix classics that are a must watch, and are perfect for a Saturday-night binge or generally relaxing. Grab a snack, chose a show, and keep watching!

Bob’s Burgers

     This is raunchy, provocative animated sitcom that has recently started its seventh season on September 25, 2016. And it’s with good reason. This show is an example of fun, watchable comedy coupled with dark humor and unusual characters.

    Just like its animated predecessors on the Fox Network, Bob’s Burgers follows the tradition of comedic timing and “punny” jokes, but this show is more of a snapshot of 70’s America – with the typical archetype of suburban citizens in a sheltered, calm city setting. But this show is definitely a watchable show that never gets old, even after seven seasons.

Stranger Things

     This show has captured the essence of the 1980’s horror movie genre, with a warm reception from all film critics alike. The premise regards the disappearance of 12-year old Will Byers, and the conflict for his search sends insidious forces towards the four main characters: Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Twelve. It is a spine-tingling show throughout the entire season.

     Wisely, Netflix has even recently renewed the show for a new season that is set to be released in 2017. Here’s hoping for more!

The Office

     Who hasn’t heard of The Office? This was a classic television comedy series that ran from 2005-2013. There are two versions, but the U.S version is worth noting. The main premise and storyline of the story are centered around the everyday lives of office employees, working in a branch of the fictional company, the Dunder Mifflin Paper.

     This may sound boring, but the amazing part of The Office is that it’s unpretentious, and shows how awkward moments define the comedy of everyday life. It’s an example that life shouldn’t be taken so seriously, and to laugh at your personal mistakes. No wonder it reached national acclaim throughout its entire season and still remains to this day.


     Sr. Conan Doyle may have written the Sherlock Holmes story, but Sherlock seeks to expand on this classic plotline. And it has done it, with a positive critical reception and a loyal fanbase that has another season intended to be released in 2017.

     This show details the adventures of two main characters: the“consulting detective” Sherlock Holmes, and his companion, John Watson. With various twists and turns, and the many mysteries that crop up through the course of the show, the relationship between these two characters still remains the focal point of the story. This is a well-written show that is suspenseful and much bigger for all four series.


     This one of the ultimate American sitcoms on television! Even though it was aired on NBC from 1994 – 2004, its influence still remains on comedy and romance shows as a whole. The story closely follows the title, with six friends whose interactions with each other constitute the heart of the comedy and poignant moments in the film.

     Out of all of these shows, Friends holds the distinction of surviving throughout the changing times, still remaining relevant in 2016. It may be a 90’s show, but its relation to modern problems and issues makes it a must-watch series for everyone with a Netflix subscription, and cable in general.