The Point

The Point

The Point

With the holidays come many traditions. Some are classic, like decorating a tree with family. Baking cookies. Or writing letters to Santa. And…then there are the holiday movies.
While the holidays can be exciting, they can also be stressful. So what are some good Christmas movies to both relax you and put you in the holiday spirit? Here are some ideas.

1. Elf
This comedic Christmas tale is about an elf trying to survive in a world he is not used to. After growing up in the North Pole with Santa, Buddy the elf goes to New York City. Will Ferrell brilliantly portrays the oversized elf, and will leave you laughing with his awkward, yet heart-warming journey through the city. “Will Ferrell is a great comedian,” remarks freshman Taylor Morris.

2. A Charlie Brown Christmas
This is an absolute classic. A Charlie Brown Christmas may be the Christmas movie most well-known and valued by the general public. In this animated film, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and all their friends win our hearts by teaching us the true meaning of Christmas.

A Christmas Story
Christmas takes an old-fashioned turn as we go to the 1940s for “A Christmas Story”. Ralphie, a young boy, needs to convince his parents to get him the gift he wants for Christmas. “It’s [both] original and vintage,” said freshman Austin Cobb.

4. The Polar Express
Embark on a journey along with a young boy who doubts the existence of Santa…until he boards a magical train to Santa’s lair. “The animation was excellent,” says sophomore Sarah Ruse.

Home Alone
Kevin has been forgotten on a family vacation. This is not a bad thing for him – until the burglars arrive. And even though this is not your “traditional” Christmas movie, it’s very entertaining. “It was cool how it was a little kid outsmarting a bunch of adults,” freshman Allie Messenger commented, “and it was funny”.

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